Saturday, September 20, 2008

Illegal Movies - Online

Quite recently i had sent an e-mail to and have requested them to remove some video clips. the disturbing thing is that after a month, there had been no reply.

In my personal opinion, should be brought down by justice, because they are one of the worlds TOP illegal movie hosts, even though they state that it is against the Terms of Agreements. However, what exactly have they done to prevent this? practically nothing!

From my understanding, most of's traffic comes from these illegal movies, but they wouldn't want to admit to that, so they most likely have an extremely small amount of people working to get rid of them. here is the sad part! could simply create a script, like Google recently has, to remove their videos, and automatically delete illegal copies.

Some people might claim this to be impossible, and indeed they are completely incorrect. using google can be an extremely powerful site, for example, if were really attempting to fix things, they'd use a simple script to remove the results provided by google.
Try searching, "megavideo"
or, "megavideo"
essentially, megavideo could have removed every illegal copy from their servers in less than an hour!

So whats your opinion? should be caught for willingly hosting illegal content?

Please note that these are only my observations.

1 comment:

Natalia said...

I agree with you opinion and do think that illegal videos should be removed. If they will do put some efforts in this regard its an easy job.